Saturday 19 July 2014

My Skin: The Background

love skincare. I love finding new products, testing them out and seeing if they do the job. Despite all this I am a complete novice when it comes to what does what, the order and do I really need it. After days upon days of scrolling through Caroline Hirons' blog and countless other skin care posts, I think I understand what's what and so I decided "let's do some posts on my skincare". Then I turned around and realised I have little to none skincare products that I actually use consistently. However now I've done some more shopping I think I've got my kit sorted (minus a toner but I'll come to that later). So this is my skin!

Right so I'm 16 (17 in three days!!!). I've got oily skin with the "typical" teenage spots, but recently they've gotten a lot better and I'm prone to redness around my nose, like it's pretty red round there! Now this post is just the background so that when I get into the products, if you have similar skin it can be like recommendations and reviews so that I can help you and you can help me. I'll scratch your back you scratch mine, right?

I won't be going into products in this post because it'll be very VERY long to read, but over the next couple days I'll be doing posts on my cleanser, moisturiser etc. So keep your eyes peeled and as always if anyone has any suggestions or comments please leave a comment below or you can contact me through any of the social media linked in the side bar and I'll talk to you next time.

Livvy xx

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